
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Study of Clouds

We have had beautiful clouds lately...some pouring out a bit of much needed rain on us in Central Texas even. The clouds hold so much color and shadow; so many shapes that change quickly. And the hidden sun often adds very rich color to the sky and clouds as well.
This watercolor is on Arches 140# paper and was done on dry paper with stiff hog bristle brushes - I usually paint on wet paper and use softer watercolor brushes so this was an experiment.
This cloud painting is for my Elgin artist/poet friend, Becky, who loves clouds!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

People's Choice Award Winner at Georgetown Library WWG show!

Turtle Rock is the winner of the People's Choice Award at the Georgetown Library Waterloo Watercolor Group show! This small and intimate painting is on Arches 140 paper and was based on a photograph that I took this spring at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. 
 This turtle lounges on a rock in the entry pond area and seems to enjoy seeing all the wildflower lovers come and go. I originally did a pastel of this same photo which is posted on April 13, 2013.